
Nestled in its limestone rocks and greenery, well hidden from view, Saint-Montan is the jewel of local medieval history. The promise of wonder is not exaggerated here: its castle is a masterpiece of architecture. Built on a rocky outcrop between two rivers, the village stands around its feudal castle. Surrounded by an extensive and substantial rampart, visitors enter through one of the three main gates for a stroll through vaulted passageways and narrow steep cobbled streets.

Shared by several co-owners each one struggling for power, the castle and its outbuildings, after the destruction during the wars of religion in the 16th century, was gradually abandoned. In 1970, the village was no more than a pile of stones and rubble, invaded by brambles, ivy and trees. Thanks to the admirable work of the “Les Amis de Saint-Montan” Association, thousands of volunteers, inspired and probably sent by the Muse Calliope, came every summer to bring this exceptional place back to life.