Château de Suze-la-Rousse


Tourisme & HandicapVignobles & Découvertes

A medieval fortress set in a huge wooded park planted with Mediterranean species, the château houses a magnificent Renaissance internal courtyard.
Situated in prestigious vineyards, the place is dedicated to history and to the wine-growing / wine-making heritage of the area.

Built on a rocky headland, the medieval fortress of Suze-la-Rousse is a spectacular military construction protected by towers and walls. It was transformed in the 16th and in the 18th century into a great residence. To the austere exterior defences which strongly dominate the fortified village, are opposed the Renaissance façades of the grand courtyard, as well as the interior richness of the paintings, stuccos and decorative plasterwork of the drawing rooms.
The château, a Listed Building (Monument historique), stands within a warren, a vast wooded area where the walls of a dovecote, a chapel and a sixteenth-century real tennis court are still standing.

Purchased by the Drôme Department in 1965, the château has been the subject of an important project subtly hinged on the history of the site and the Drôme vine-growing and wine-making heritage. A new museum trail was inaugurated in 2013. The château is also home to cultural events, concerts and contemporary circus shows.
Since 1978, the site has been housing the Wine University, an internationally-known school which offers a wide choice of training courses in the vine and wine trades. More information available on


Planning des visites guidées : Hors saison (de septembre à juin) uniquement le weekend à :

- 11h (visite générale, axée sur le château en intégrant quelques éléments du nouveau parcours),

- 15h (visite générale, axée sur le château en intégrant quelques éléments du nouveau parcours)

- 16h (visite axée sur le parcours muséographique autour du vin)

En saison (juill août) :

Tous les jours aux mêmes horaires avec les mêmes thématiques.

Les mardis et jeudis, la visite de 16h est en anglais.

Average duration (group) : 1h15

Durée moyenne (individuelle) : 1h


Le Village
26790 Suze-la-Rousse

locate on a map

GPS coordinates

DD (decimal graduation)

latitude : 44.289268

longitude : 4.838705


From 01/07 to 31/08/2020
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 6 pm.

From 01/09 to 31/10/2020
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 12.30 pm and between 2 pm and 6 pm.

From 01/11/2020 to 28/02/2021
Opening hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 1 pm and 5 pm.
Closed on Monday.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st, November 11th and December 25th.


Tarifs individuels :
Visite libre avec visioguide adulte (FR/EN/NL/D) : 6 € plein tarif, 4 € tarif réduit*
Gratuit sur présentation d’un justificatif : -12 ans, personnes en situation de handicap, carte de guide-conférencier, carte 3 châteaux, presse, chauffeurs.

*Tarif réduit (sur présentation d’un justificatif en cours de validité) : 12-17 ans, étudiants -25 ans, demandeurs d’emploi, bénéficiaires du RSA, carte CEZAM.

Payment methods

Credit card acceptedChèques acceptésANCV Chèques vacances accepted

Bank/credit card, Cheque, Chèques Vacances, Cash, Pass’Région

Château de Suze-la-RousseChâteau de Suze-la-RousseChâteau de Suze-la-RousseChâteau de Suze-la-RousseChâteau de Suze-la-RousseChâteau de Suze-la-Rousse